Frequent questions

Within the website in the product specifications the delivery times are specified, generally the product takes 8 business days to arrive, however there is a small group of products such as degree rings and customizations; In which case, delivery time could be extended to 15 business days (See specifications for each product).

Our products are made of 18 karat 750 gold and have a lifetime guarantee. Repairs due to breakages, stone falls and wear are fully covered within the warranty policies, the only cost that the customer must assume is the transportation of the merchandise ( See warranty policies ).

We offer you different means of payment: cash, credit card, direct debit PCE, Efecty, baloto, 472. (See payment methods on the website), if you have any difficulty when making your payment, remember that you can contact our staff at any time. in the different communication channels enabled to receive personalized advice.

Within our website we have enabled a simple instruction in PDF format that you can print and use, you can also take the perimeter of your finger with a tape measure, you can also measure the internal diameter of a ring that fits your size.

Our factory is located in the center of Bucaramanga, Santander, Carrera 18 #34-

You can contact us directly at the landlines + +57 607 6852918 or at the mobile phone +57 317 8786888 If you require additional information, we invite you to contact us through our email or through any of the communication channels contents on our website